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The Privy Council

The Privy Council of the United Kingdom of Great Realeza, formally His Royal Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council is a formal body of advisors to the King. The Privy Council formally advises the King on the exercise of the Royal Prerogative. At present, It has two committes: The Judicial Committee and The Foreign Affairs Committee.

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The King, when acting on the Council's advice, is known as the King-in-Council. The members of the Council are collectively known as The Lords of His Royal Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council.  The chief officer of the body is the Lord President of the Council. The Privy Council consists of 10 appointed and 12 elected members. Duration of the Privy Council is 3 years in most of the cases. Members also have nutomatic right to attend all Privy Council meetings.


Each and every law passed by the King is advised upon by the Privy Council. The Council then passes resolutions approving or disapproving the law. In case of a decree, the resolution of the Council shall not affect the operation of the decree. However, in case of a Ordinance, it ceases to operate after 6 weeks or if resolutions disapproving the ordinance are passed by the Privy Council before the 6 weeks.


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